Tuesday, March 29, 2005


My housemates felt a tremor at our condominium last night. Surprisingly, I did not feel a single thing until they told me. News reports say that the's a 8.7 magnitude earthquake off the Sumatra at about 12 am this morning. (quake was felt around 12.10 am).

Started thinking about how fragile we humans really are. I, together with the other few hundred thousand of people staying in high rised apartments around Malaysia (and anywhere around the South East Asian - SEA region) could've just died then. Perished. Buried under a suffocating, crushing pile of concrete and mangled steel. I mean, SEA buildings are not exactly built to withstand quakes.

I remember back about 10 years ago in high school when we had our Geography lessons, they used to teach us that we Malaysians are lucky because we have no MAJOR natural disasters (which also means we would NOT be prepared in the event that one actually occurs). Well, few months back, the whole SEA (including Malaysia) just lost more than 300,000 lives in total to the tsunami disasater. It has happen again, the quakes. 2 quakes in less than half a year. No major disaster my arse.

So now that we are all fragile, what am I going to do about it? Well, I'm gonna live like there's no tomorrow, of course. Oh wait... isn't that how I've already been living my life ? Oh crap... I am seriously too darn free... Damn I love my job (only time I ever blog is when I'm at the office).


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